"A faithful reproduction of the deck printed in Paris in 1890, designed by Napoleon's cartomant."
The French cartomancer Marie Anne Lenormand (1768-1843), universally known as Mlle. Lenormand, rose to fame because of her privileged relationship with the empress Josephine Beauharnais and her august husband Napoleon Bonaparte. Habitual mixing with the high society of her time earned her the nickname "Sibylle des Salons", from which a cartomantic deck with 52 figures was created, published around 1828. That deck was redesigned towards 1840 and was reduced to 36 cards thus leading to the creation of Petit Lenormand, still today one of the most valued cartomantic systems in the world.
36 Cards with divinatory instructions
36 cards, 60x96mm, Instructions. Multilingual edition