
Overview of Curiosa in the Tarocks Collection.

Continued extensive documentation and descriptions of items added in blog posts in our Archive. Unlinked titles may appear on the Archive at a future date.

To purchase our rare and out of print tarot decks, please visit our Shop. We have several hundred decks for sale that are in need of a forever home. 

Please be advised that not all decks mentioned below are for sale.

The ones that are for sale can be found in the Shop. Check back here frequently as our list is extended periodically.


36 Deutsche Spielkarten. Berliner Spielkarten-Fabrik. Stempel: Deutsches Reich N0 4 Dreiszig Pf

ACT deck, The / The Alchemical Conjuration Theater Deck, A trans-intelligence agent (33 cards)

Aus der Miniatur-Bibliothek. Das Kartenlegen. Hochinteressant fuer Jung und Alt. Leipzig Verlag fuer Kunst und Wissenschaft. Albert Otto Paul. Ca, 1900 (booklet)

Deutsche Spielkarten fuer das bayrische Volk (1819) aus Anlass der 800-Jahr-Feier des Hauses Wittelsbach, Neu herausgegeben von F.X. Schmid Kartenmacherei zu Muenchen. 1980. Einleitung und Kommentar verfasst von Dr. Marcus Junkelmann, Vaterländische Erinnerungen bey Gelegenheit der neu herausgegebenen teutschen Spielkarten fuer das bayrische Volk von Christoph Freyh. Von Arten 1819, 36 Karten (cards, booklet, miniature book & elegant box)

Fool's Journey, The. Tarot Postcards. A book of postcards from 30 decks that represent the "cream of Tarot design." The Aquarian Press. 1993.

Fortuna Playing Cards No. 169. One Joker included. 53 regular playing cards. Foreign. Circa 1940s.

Gauloise, La. 52 cartes glacées. poker | bridge | canasta. France. Circa 1950s.

Gong Hee Fot Choy Playing Cards. By Margarete Ward. U.S. Games Systems, Inc., New York, 1982.

Kleine Metamorphosen / Petit Metamorphoses / Little Metamorphoses, 20 head cards, 20 torso cards, 20 leg cards. All cards parted by hand. Box holds three separate sections for each type of card. Publisher and year unknown.

​Back of Cards, The. By the South German Engraver. Das Kartenspiel des Oberdeutschen Stechers. Limited edition 745/999. Heimeran Verlag, Leipzig (DDR). 1977.

Patience-Karten No 27. Mit vergoldeten Ecken. Frankfurt am Main. Circa 1980.

Piatnik Salzburger 36 Blatt, Nr. 1832. Piatnik, Wien (Österreich), Jahr unbekannt.

Piatnik & Soehne Spielkarten. 54 + 1 Karten. Steuermarke 45 auf dem Herz As gestempelt. Piatnik, Wien (Österreich), circa 1940-45. no box.

Playing Cards Belgique Geûens – Seaux Gruges Lenormand chromolithograph, 19th century

​Sprook - En nieuw spel met oude worden. Het Kleine Werk, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), jaartal onbekend.