The energies of the world are channelled through the four elements and interwove in the dance of life Water, Air, Fire and Earth reveal the possibilities of the future and the opportunities of the present.
Traditionally, the suits of tarot have been and are still associated with the four classical elements: water, earth, fire and air. Elemental Tarot takes this association even further.
We, and all things that exist in our universe, are made of energy. By understand that there are different sorts of energy and that these energies react and respond to and with each other in specific way, we can learn about ourselves, our lives, and how best to navigate our journey. Those who are sensitive enough to sense the energy present in a person or a situation have an advantage. By using knowledge of elemental relationships, the sensitive person can better manage a situation to achieve their desired outcome.
A tarot deck is made up of different parts and, in the Elemental Tarot, the cards of the Minor Arcana represent a different type of elemental energy. The suit of Cups is associated with water, love and relationships. It is the type of energy that connects and binds. The suit of Pentacles is associated with earth, growth and potential, particularly on the physical plane. The suit of Wands is associated with fire, inspiration, and passion, particularly in terms of career, projects, and plans. The suit of Swords is associated with air, communication, understand, and truth. Each suit contains four court cards: Knave, Knight, Queen, and King. These cards usually represent other people involved in the questioner's life or a role that the questioner himself is playing.
The Major Arcana cards represent the traditional archetypes found in nearly all tarot decks. These cards symbolize something outside of the elemental energies and are more like roles, actions, or situations that any element can fill, play, or shape.
78 cards
Multilingual Instructions
2010 Lo Scarabeo, Torino, Italy