Tarocks Tribune Edition 1
In our early days we started e-mailing out a newsletter, which we named the "Tarocks Tribune." The editions of this newsletter became rather extensive and also mark interesting milestones and discoveries of our journey of collecting tarot decks. To make these more accessible, we have decided to add them to our archive.
Please note that not all card decks are linked as these newsletters originally related to our old website. We may update these in the future.
Here is the first edition, from September 14th, 2018.
Greetings! We are happy and a little proud offering you the first newsletter from Tarocks.
First of all, we thank you for visiting our pages and signing up with us. We truly hope that you will enjoy the images and the descriptions of the decks shown on Tarocks.
The newsletters will be sent every two weeks and will include among other things such as eventual extraordinary findings and publications, alerts on new blogposts and/or enhancements of our collection as can be consulted in the index.
Some decks, such as the I Tarocchi del Visconti featured in the photo above, are for sale. Please check our index for an overview of the entire collection and which articles are for sale. The list is updated regularly, including what we sell and do not sell, so check back regularly.
The following decks have been added to our Archive (this time four instead of the usual two):
1. The Universal Tarots (Lo Scarabeo)
2. The Tarots of the Origins (Lo Scarabeo)
3. The Xultun (Maya) Tarot (Heraclio Fournier)
4. The Douglas/Sheridan Tarot (Mandragora)
During a recent fieldtrip the first week of September in London, we obtained, or better, secured, a first edition of The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite. Since we already have a PAM 2, we are almost complete (meanwhile scourging for a PAM 1...).
In August, we discovered in Marseille an original as well as a complete nine volume set of Le Monde Primitif compare et analysée by Comte M. Court de Gebelin. The set is from 1781 and in good condition. Volume eight of this oeuvre shows one of the first descriptions of the tarot cards, including images of the major arcana. Of course, we added this magnificent work to our collection.
US Games Systems Inc. recently Published Pamela Colman Smith: The Untold Story. This voluminous work contains an illustrated biography of Pamela Colman Smith enriched with 400 color images of non-tarot art as well as many reproductions of her personal documents and other rare archival material. A must-have for anyone interested in tarot (even vaguely).
Finally, we hope that this newsletter as well as the information provided on Tarocks will be sufficiently interesting so that you will stay with us and maybe even mention us to your friends insofar as they share our mutual interest. In case you have any suggestions or discover any inconsistencies, please don’t hesitate and let us know.